International Medical College




On this page you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers on the topics related to the Master Courses.

General Information

The postgraduate study programs are recognized as an Academic Master degree “Master of Science “ according to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Bologna Process System by the Accreditation Agency AQAS which is certified by the Accreditation Council of Germany.
The offered Master Programs have been realized since 2003 and were successfully accredited according to Germans and European standards in 2004 and re-accredited many times 2009, 2013, 2015, 2019.
For more information please click here: Accreditations.
Our M.Sc. degrees are recognized as a Master degree (M.Sc.) according to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (Bologna Process).

Please find the link below: Bologna-Process. The regulations are different in each country, so we advise you to check which qualifications are required in your home country in order to get for example recognition as a Master degree.
Our Master of Science degree is an academic degree integrated with clinical training blocks awarded jointly by the IMC of the University of Duisburg-Essen according to German European Standards.

Please find the link below: Bologna-Process

In Germany, a higher degree in a clinical subject (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) does not necessarily mean that you are a specialist in that subject.

The specialist degree (Facharzt in Germany) is a special training program which can take up to 5 years and is conducted at university medical centers or other facilities which are authorized to provide specialist trainings. During such a program, you work as a doctor in full-time employment. To be eligible for admission, you will need very good German skills and usually a degree similar to the German State Examination.
The regulations are different in each country, so we advise you to check which qualifications are required in your home country in order to get for example recognition as a specialist degree
At the moment we only offer Master degrees. We also offer in cooperation with Oro-Facial Research and Education Center (OREC) some continuous education programs.
For more information please click here OREC.
No, you should only have your dental license from your home country.
The postgraduate master programs lead to the academic degree of
  • Master of Science in Advanced General Dental Practice (M.Sc.)
  • Master of Science in Implantology and Dental Surgery (M.Sc.)
  • Master of Science in Specialized Orthodontics (M.Sc.)
  • Master of Science in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry (M.Sc.)
  • Master of Science in Periodontology (M.Sc.)

The Master of Science degree is a postgraduate Academic Degree which will be awarded by IMC of the University of Duisburg-Essen according to German and European Standards.
NIt is a part time program. The study program has a total commitment time of approximately between 1500-2250 hours. The total time is divided in web-based basic courses and web-based advanced training, online live lectures, seminars, practical training with attendance in Germany and a Master's thesis (equivalent Between 60-90 ECTS points).
In Germany and Europe, we describe the master course depending on the workload and the credit points (ECTS).

The IMC of the university of Duisburg-Essen offers master courses with
60 ECTS : which corresponds to a workload of 1500 hours in 3 semesters ( Part-time)
90 ECTS : which corresponds to a workload of 2250 hours in 4 semesters ( Part-time)
The only difference is that the 4 Semester IMC Master Course consists of one additional semester with main focus on Scientific Work and Empirical Research. The 3 semester Master Course follows.
Please find here the curriculum of the module schedule of the 1st semester: Curriculum

This semester is a mixture of online courses, homework assignments that will be discussed in the courses and seminar tasks that will be prepared and presented by the students. Upon completion of this module students will be able to:
  • Define clear research questions and search literature for the necessary data
  • Select, extract, organize, and present the data
  • Understand the role of statistics in their field of study
  • Apply appropriate statistical methods for routine applications using standard programs
  • Summarize, analyse and interprete the data
  • Write a scientific text using correct structure, form and citation methods
  1. University Diploma (Academic university degree) +
  2. One of the following professional qualifications on the basis of successfully completed university studies:
    1. license to practice medicine or dentistry in Germany (requiring the successful completion of dental/general medical studies at a university with a regular duration of at least 10 semesters (300 CP), or equivalent license recognized by a state medical or dental board of one's respective country.
  3. License entitling you to practice dentistry/Medicine in your home country +
  4. English/German Language Proficiency*

+ with official translation in English or German

* All applicants must demonstrate English/German language proficiency prior to admission either by: Possession of a degree or its academic equivalent from an academic institution recognized by IMC of the University of Duisburg-Essen, in which the language of instruction is English/German.
We offer all the Master courses in two languages: either English (100%) or German (100%).
Attendance in Germany is necessary for one or two times for block internships (depends on the Master Course you choose)and one time for final exams.
You will have face-to-face seminars and lectures as well as basic and advanced clinical practical training blocks and clinical hospitation in the IMC Training Center Muenster, different university hospitals and clinics in Germany, Switzerland and Hungary. The places depend on the Master program you choose.
You should be 2 or 3 times in Germany. Around 3-4 weeks in the whole program for one or two practical training blocks (depends on the Master Course you choose) . The last time will be reserved for the Master Thesis discussion, final oral examinations and the graduation ceremony.
Yes, it depends on the Master program which you choose, e.g. in the M.Sc. Implantology and Dental Surgery program you will have the opportunity to place from 5 to 10 implants and M.Sc. in Periodontology program you will have the opportunity to do some Periodontal Surgery.
No, you don't need special work experience or professional skills in the field of these master programs except the Master program of Specialized Orthodontics in which work experience or a certificate as an orthodontics specialist (e.g., POS certificate) is required.
There are about 20 students in each class.
The study period is 18 to 24 months. However, as the course consists of individual modules, it is possible to complete it within a period of 36 months. The IMC offers a Scientific-Writing Module for those candidates who need a two-year course for acceptance in their home countries. It will start in October. In April the regular Master courses will follow.
Shortly before the master course starts you will find the schedule on our website. Please choose the following link and then choose the desired course. The schedule can be found at the left menu bar:
Master Courses
Summer semester or winter semester
The master courses starts every year on 1 April (choosing 3 semesters) or 1 October (choosing 4 semesters).

Acceptance and Visa

You will receive an invitation letter with which you can apply for the visa.
Some international students require an entry visa for Germany depending on where they come from and how long they plan to stay. For more information about visa requirements, contact the German embassy or German consulate in your home country.
For more information about visa requirements, contact the German embassy or German consulate in your home country.
Visa requirements differ among countries and depend on your nationality. If you need a visa you should apply regularly for a short-term/Schengen visa (C Visa). If the purpose of your visit to Germany is educational and long-term, you are not entitled to the short-term/Schengen visa (C Visa). However, you will have to apply for the Germany National Visa (D Visa), which is long-term.
If you want to attend a language course, you can apply for a language course visa. It’s only valid for the duration of the course and cannot be converted into a student visa (“Visum zu Studienzwecken”). If you want to attend a language course in combination with university studies, you have to indicate this on your visa application form. In this case, make sure to apply for a student visa (D Visa) (“Visum zu Studienzwecken”).

For more information about visa requirements, contact the German embassy or German consulate in your home country.
The German diplomatic mission in your home country will tell you what additional documents are required for a visa application. You will usually need the following:
  • Valid passport
  • Certificate confirming health insurance coverage
  • Proof of financial resources
  • Certificates of past academic work and achievements
  • Letter of acceptance
  • perhaps a health certificate

For more information about visa requirements, contact the German embassy or German consulate in your home country.

After completion of the master program

The academic degree Master of Science will be awarded in an official ceremony by the dean of the medical faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the scientific director of the IMC® according to the regulations of the examination board of the medical faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Its depend from where you are:
  1. The degree are recognized as an Academic Master degree “Master of Science “ according to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Bologna Process . So if your country includes it in Bologna Process regularly you can use it directly. But we advise you to check it your home country.
    Please find the link below: Bologna-Process
  2. If your home Country is not included in Bologna Process, so you may have to legalized your degree. Please contact the relevant authorities regularly they are Government Office in Germany and embassy of your home Country /cultural office).
  3. Nowadays a lot of country follow the data flow procedures.

As you see the regulations are different in each country, so we advise you to check it in your home Country.
At the moment we don’t offer this service, but we may advise and guide you.
Yes, the examination regulations of IMC of the University Duisburg-Essen will recognize some modules by successful completion of IMC® Master Course M.Sc. Implantology and Dental Surgery:
Recognition of Master Course M.Sc. Implantology and Dental Surgery or Master Course MOM in Implantology

The decision of recognition of curricula and further education on the modules will be done by the board of examiners as well as any associated cost reduction upon presentation of certificates.
Yes, the examination regulations of IMC of the University Duisburg-Essen will recognize some modules by successful completion of IMC® Master Courses M.Sc. Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry or M.Sc. Periodontology:
Recognition of IMC® Masters Course M.Sc. Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry or IMC® Masters Course M.Sc. Periodontology
Yes. It is possibly but the places are limited and it depends on your master results.
No. The degree doesn't entitle you to work as a dentist in Germany. If you wish to work without any restrictions as a dentist in Germany, you need the German license, a so-called (deutsche Approbation).

Foreign dentists can work in Germany if they obtain the German License to practice dentistry:
  • can either provide a certificate to prove that their training from their home country is equivalent to the German training or.
  • show by means of a knowledge exam that they are qualified for the German license to practice dentistry.

Please contact the competent authorities of the federal state in which you wish to practice for the necessary documents and for help with any questions relating to your application for a German license.


We do not offer a scholarship for international students, therefore we recommend you to contact, among others, the DAAD website. This is an organization supported by the German government. You might also try any other organization in your home country or search for non-governmental agencies (NGOs).

Master of Science in Specialized Orthodontics

Please keep in mind that one of the important requirements is experience in orthodontics. That means that you have to verify that you have done a special certificate which is equivalent to the "German Specialist in Orthodontics". We recognize special curricula (for example the Progressive Orthodontics Program POS) or the prove that you have worked in a clinic for orthodontics or in a certified orthodontic practice for some years.

Therefore, a certificate of qualification in orthodontics field is essential. Due to the fact that it is an advanced program and you need to fulfill the admission requirements.

The scientific board members of the IMC will check and process your application in two to four work days. They will inform you if you can join the program.
You need to have more than basic orthodontics knowledge and prove that you can deal with diagnosis and management of some of the orthodontics cases for example:
  1. Preventive and interceptive strategies
  2. Simple and moderate malocclusions.
  3. Prevention of dental malocclusions in children.
  4. Management of space maintenance problem in children.
  5. Treatment using fixed and removable appliances.
  1. Lingual Orthodontics
  2. European Functional Appliances
  3. Micro screws and micro implants
  4. Syndromes, maxillofacial deformities, cleft lip, alveolus and palate
  5. Orthognathic surgery
Regarding POS- curriculum you are free to contact:
Amalia Pena |
c: (949) 619-7599

Master of Science in Implantology and dental surgery

(M.Sc.) in Implantology and Dental Surgery is an advanced clinical and theoretical training program providing highly motivated international dental practitioners the opportunity to obtain basic and advanced training in the field of Implantology and Dental Surgery. This training will include comprehensive didactic and clinical instructions including patient contact on surgical placement and restoration of dental implants, hard, soft tissue augmentation procedures, and reconstruction techniques for the “Esthetic Zone”.
The program consists of a training block, which starts for basic to advanced procedure. During the program you will have special "Advanced Surgical Anatomy Training" "Hands-on fresh Human Cadavers" in and Implantology and Dental Surgery Here are some examples of the practical training program:

  • Anatomical dissection of nerves (Lingual, Inferior Alveolar, Mental, Greater palatine, Infraorbital nerve)
  • Inferior Alveolar Nerve Lateralization
  • Internal and external sinus lift
  • Bone spreading technique - Bone splitting technique
  • Bone Block Augmentation
  • Different soft tissue management techniques
  • Immediate loading implants

With our concept and intensive training, you should be capable of doing simple and advanced dental implants procedure by yourself.

In the M.Sc. Implantology and Dental Surgery Program you will have the opportunity to place between five and ten implants under supervision.

International Medical College | © IMC 2019 all rights reserved