International Medical College




The International Medical College® (IMC) of the University of Duisburg-Essen conducts postgraduate Master's programmes in the field of dentistry as a blended learning concept.

The following Master's degree programmes with the academic degree "Master of Science (M.Sc.)" are offered:

  • M.Sc. in Implantology and Dental Surgery
  • M.Sc. in Specialized Orthodontics
  • M.Sc. in Periodontology
  • M.Sc. in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry
  • M.Sc. in Advanced General Dental Practice

The focus of these university further education courses is on providing the latest knowledge and the professional exchange of participants in their special fields. This is made possible through cooperation with universities, international educational institutions, cooperating practices and the development of specially adapted curricula and integrated programmes.

The establishment of these postgraduate university continuing education programmes was recommended and demanded by the Science Council of the German Federal Government to strengthen research and teaching in dentistry. (Wissenschaftsrat, 2005).

The IMC Master's programmes are programmes of the University of Duisburg-Essen. They have been successfully accredited by the Accreditation Council of the Federal Republic of Germany in accordance with the Bologna Consensus Conference. The academic degree is awarded jointly by the University of Duisburg-Essen and the IMC.

History of the IMC

2003 Foundation of the International Medical College (IMC®) in Münster as a PPP model (Public-Private-Partnership, Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster and MIB company) Start of the first Master Program
2004 Accreditation by the Accreditation Council Council report: Master Program is exemplary for other universities Universities of Leipzig, Essen and Budapest joined, co-operation with “Schloss Schellenstein“ Clinic and German Armed Forces Central Hospital of Koblenz
2005 Master Program Hungary
Evidence-based knowledge database Medicine/Dentistry through network of Universities (editors) und University Library
Opening of a structured continuous education platform
(IMC Training Programs) in co-operation with the Westphalia-Lippe Dentists‘ Association
2006 Extension of Training Programs and knowledge database leading to IMC WIKI©
2007 Universities of Berlin, Bern, Porto Alegre, Düsseldorf joined, Study course in English language
2008 Co-operation with Universities of Szeged, Karlsruhe
successive extension of IMC WIKI® in English languagee
2009 Co-operation with DGZI (German Association of Dental Implantology), GBOI (German Board of Oral Implantology) in Jordan
2010 Co-operation with Libya (Specialist and Master Training)
2012 Joint Master Program with Mahidol University of Bangkok
2013 Joint Degree with Universities of Dresden, Essen, Homburg/Saar, Leipzig, Szeged.
Successful Accreditation of the Joint Degree Master Programs:
Implantology and Dental Surgey (MSc.)
Aesthetic and Dental Surgery (MSc.)
Specialized Orthodontics (MSc.)
Start of the Program: Preparation for Equivalence Exam for German Approbation
2014 Cooperation with Cairo University, cooperation with IMC Turkey.
Successful Accreditation of the Joint Degree Master Programs:
Aestethic Dentistry (M.Sc.) and Periodontology (M.Sc.)
2015 Successful accreditation of the Joint Master Program Biomaterials and Biomedical Science (M.Sc.)
Cooperation with Global Education Center Taiwan, China, Macau
2018 The IMC® Master Programs will be part of the study program of the University of Duisburg-Essen. The academic degree Master of Science will be awarded in an official ceremony by the dean of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the scientific director of the IMC® according to the regulations of the examination board of the medical faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
2019 Accreditation und Re-accreditaion of the Master Courses of the University Duisburg-Essen
Foundation of the SINO-GERMAN STOMATOLOGY TRAINING CENTER SHANGHAI, Jiaotong University, 9th People Hospital
2020 Foundation of the Oro-Facial Research and Education Center (OREC) (in co-operation with the Dental Association North Rhine)

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